Energy Star Ceiling Fans And The Benefits They Provide

Now, undoubtedly you won't be building energy systems of substantial percentages. One source for electrical power these days originates from nonrenewable fuel sources. Back then the concern was fallout from Soviet missiles.


On account of international warming, many are looking to new energy sources to power their homes, automobiles, and other devices. One alternative the world continues to think about is wind power.

The catastrophe may just increase construction of natural-gas fired plants. Natural gas rates have actually decreased as listed reserves increased. The U.S. Energy Information Agency states the rate is hovering just above the $4 per MMBtu range.

To some degree, those of us toiling away to make Clean energy a viable and stable industry share a lot of similarities with Fred Dobbs, Bogart's character in the 1948 film. Dobbs meets the grizzled prospector Howard, played by Huston, down in Tampico, Mexico about 1925.

Fractures are forming in our fossil-fuel economy, too. Added expenses of extraction for oil, gas and coal increase viability of sustainable energy. And people generally are getting sick of contaminated air and the health problem it brings.

Then Olga tells us this little story. I'm a little foggy on the details however here's the essence: A male strives on a little garden he keeps in the nation, making enough to purchase a goat. This goat produces milk that feeds his family, making his children strong. Food is rationed then and hard to come by. People stand in long lines for hours just to get a chunk of cheese or loaf of bread. He offers the additional milk to supplement his wage at the factory.

Doug and I lastly discover our entrepreneurs the day before we were to leave. We meet them quietly and guarantee nobody in the city Sustainable energy resources would learn their names. Olga introduces us to an attorney who sets up joint ventures. He satisfies us at his little apartment or condo, presents us to his other half and young boy and talks with us for about an hour after making certain we are okay. He serves vodka seasoned with some sort of super-hot pepper.

To guarantee that oil rates remain low for Americans Congress should demand that all oil produced in the United States only be offered to the American market. It is possible that we might produce adequate oil locally to provide 80% of our intake needs within 3 years. Some believe there may suffice oil in shale in the Rocky Mountains to supply all domestic oil needs, and even have a surplus. If American oil was only sold in America the cost would likely remain in the $30-$40 per barrel variety. That would bring gas costs to an affordable $1.50 per gallon variety.

Need that Congress take action now. YOU have the power since this is an election year. If they don't support developing a bridge to energy self-reliance you're going to fire them, let your Representatives and senators understand that. Forget which political celebration they belong to. This is not a Democrat or Republican problem, this is a concern that affects our very future. Stand up, act, and powerfully demand that Congress and the President take action NOW.

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